sábado, 4 de noviembre de 2017

Practice Exercise: She lived in Paris

Listen the recording and write the verb in the Simple Past Form on in the blank.
Escucha la grabación y escriba el verbo en la forma pasada simple en el espacio en blanco.

Mary (live) lived in Paris ten years ago.
She was as a teacher there.
La respuesta correcta es: lived

Her flat (be) was near the Sacre Couer.

She could see the Eiffel Tower from her window.
La respuesta correcta es: was

Her flatmate (be) was Antoine. He was a painter.
La respuesta correcta es: was

He  (paint) painted beautiful portraits.
La respuesta correcta es: painted

Mary (have) had a small green car.
La respuesta correcta es: had

She drove her car to work every day but she (ride)rode her bike on Sundays.
La respuesta correcta es: rode

Mary (eat) ate crêpes every day. They were delicious!
La respuesta correcta es: ate

She sometimes (drink) drank some red wine.
La respuesta correcta es: drank

She didn´t __eat__ (eat) snails.
La respuesta correcta es: eat

Her best friend Anette (live) lived in Versailles.
La respuesta correcta es: lived

Mary sometimes (visit) visited her.
La respuesta correcta es: visited

They (play) played tennis or went on picnics
La respuesta correcta es: played

On rainy days they played cards or (watch) watched TV.
La respuesta correcta es: watched

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