lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: Vocabulary for describing a past era

Practice Exercise: Vocabulary for describing a past era
Listen and write  the missing words.
Escucha y escribe las palabras que faltan.

 La respuesta correcta es: century
 La respuesta correcta es: sneakers
 La respuesta correcta es: Travelers
 La respuesta correcta es: several
 La respuesta correcta es: chickenpox
 La respuesta correcta es: nice dog
 La respuesta correcta es: took place
La respuesta correcta es: finding
La respuesta correcta es: aircraft

sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: They used to

Write sentences using the words in brackets to say how Madonna and Bruce Springsten used to look like.
Escribe oraciones usando las palabras entre paréntesis para decir cómo se veían antes Madonna y Bruce Springsten.

  1. (have a big nose) Madonna La respuesta correcta es: used to have a big nose
  2. (be a dancer) Madonna La respuesta correcta es: used to be a dancer
  3. (be poor) Madonna La respuesta correcta es: used to be poor
  4. (live in Michigan) La respuesta correcta es: used to live in Michigan
  5. (have straight hair) Bruce Springsteen La respuesta correcta es: used to have straight hair
  6. (play soccer in high school) Bruce Springsteen La respuesta correcta es: used to play soccer in high school
  7. (live in New Jersey) Bruce Springsteen La respuesta correcta es: used to live in New Jersey
  8. (sing about blue-collar life) Bruce Springsteen La respuesta correcta es: used to sing about blue-collar life

Practice Exercise: I used to

1.- The boys didn’t _____ have a tablet, but they do now.

La respuesta correcta es: use to

2.- I didn’t _____ eat vegetables, but now I do.

La respuesta correcta es: use to

3.- Did you _____ visit often to your parents?

La respuesta correcta es: use to

4.- Javier Hernández ____ play for Manchester United. La respuesta correcta es: used to

5.- Did she ______ swim in the sea?

La respuesta correcta es: use to

6.- That restaurant _____ cook Mexican food.

La respuesta correcta es: used to

Practice Exercise: Cellphone conversation

Write was, were, wasn't or weren't in the blank.
(Escribe was, were, wasn't o weren't en el espacio en blanco.)
Paul Respuesta
Correcta in the cinema on Sunday.
La respuesta correcta es: wasn't
He Respuesta
Correcta at his grandparents' house.
La respuesta correcta es: was
Tina and Mariana Respuesta
Correcta either.
La respuesta correcta es: weren't
They Respuesta
Correcta at John's party.
La respuesta correcta es: were

Correcta Paul in the office yesterday?
La respuesta correcta es: Was
No, he Respuesta
Correcta. He was sick.
La respuesta correcta es: wasn't
Where Respuesta
Correcta you?
La respuesta correcta es: were
I Respuesta
Correcta with my sister's friends all afternoon.
La respuesta correcta es: was
We Respuesta
Correcta very happy together.
La respuesta correcta es: were

Practice Exercise: Was or Were

Choose the right word. (Elige la palabra correcta)

Sonya ____ here last week.
 La respuesta correcta es: was

The cars _____ very expensive.
 La respuesta correcta es: were

Michael and I ____ in Poland in 1990
 La respuesta correcta es: were

Last year she ____ 14.
 La respuesta correcta es: was

 The weather ____ nice on Saturday
La respuesta correcta es: was

We ____ in Tokyo four years ago.
La respuesta correcta es: were

Practice Exercice: What did Yale do yesterday?

What does he teach?

Watch the video from the second 44 to the second 55, then answer the questions.
Mira el video del segundo 44 al segundo 55, luego responde las preguntas.

  1. Did Yale teach yesterday? La respuesta correcta es: Yes he did.
  2. Does Yale teach adults? La respuesta correcta es: No, he doesn't.
  3. Did Yale teach adults?La respuesta correcta es: No, he didn’t.
  4. What does he teach? La respuesta correcta es: He teaches hands-on science to children.
  5. Select the verb with the correct time. Yesterday Yale… La respuesta correcta es: Taught hands-on science.

Practice Exercise: What did Dina do yesterday?

What did Dina do yesterday?
Listen till 43 sec.
(Escucha hasta el :43 seg)
Choose one activity Dina did yesterday
Elige una actividad que Dina hizo ayer

Selecciona una opción:
a. Swam at the gym.
b. Studied for her exams.
c. Worked out at the gym.
d. Ate an apple.
e. Watched television. Correcta
f. Washed her gym sweat suit.
g. She's crossing...
h. Was in school most of the day.
i. Brought her friend Danny to the gym.
j. Went to the gym.
k. Worked on her computer.

La respuesta correcta es: Watched television.

Practice Exercise: Did you...?

Build questions in the past filling the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Construye preguntas en pasado escribiendo en los espacios en blanco la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis.

Practice Exercise: Simple past. Regular and irregular verbs

Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verb in brackets.

Completa los espacios en blanco con el pasado del verbo entre paréntesis.

  1. Last night watched (watch) television.
  2. I bought (buy) some clothes last week.
  3. We talked (talk) on the phone for an hour.
  4. I wrote (write) an email this morning.
  5. They studied (study) English and French at school.
  6. I read (read) the newspaper today.
  7. I don’t smoke now – I stopped (stop) last year.
  8. took (take) an exam last year.
  9. Tom and his brother called (call) 911 in an emergency last year.
  10. I spoke(speak) to my best friend today.

Practice Exercise: Past Tense

Practice Exercise: Simple Past Tense

Change the verbs into simple past.

Cambiar los verbos a pasado simple.
She cleans the bathroom.

 the bathroom yesterday.

The children visit their grandparents.

The children 
their grandparents last Sunday.

Joanna travels to Greece.

to Greece last year.

Paula and Lucas live in Madrid.

Paula and Lucas 
 in Madrid for 2 years.


Rita watches the soccer game

 the soccer game last Saturday.

Mario cooks smoked salmon.

 smoked salmon for us yesterday

Practice Exercise: I like my job

Álvaro Cruz lives in Monterrey, Nuevo León. He lives with his wife, Sandra. They live with their two children, Daniel and Leticia. Álvaro loves his family.

He works as a police officer in Monterrey. He likes his job. He is a good police officer.

Álvaro is a police officer because he likes to help people. Álvaro protects the citizens of Monterrey. He solves crimes and catches criminals. He keeps the citizens safe. Sometimes he visits the schools. He talks to students.

(Taken from “Simple Present Story 4” By Really Learn English.)

1.- Where does Álvaro Cruz live? La respuesta correcta es: He lives in Monterrey

2.- What’s Alvaro´s wife name? La respuesta correcta es: Her name is Sandra

3.- Why is Álvaro a police officer? La respuesta correcta es: Because he likes to help people

4.- What does Álvaro do for the citizens of Monterrey? La respuesta correcta es: He protects them and keeps them safe, he solves crimes and catches criminals.

5.- What does Álvaro do when he visits schools? La respuesta correcta es: He talks to students

Practice Exercise: Verbs

Listen and connect it with…

Escucha y relaciona con...

Listen and write the word in the blank.

Escucha y escribe la palabra en el espacio en blanco.

La respuesta correcta es: answer

La respuesta correcta es: ask

La respuesta correcta es: brush

La respuesta correcta es: clean

La respuesta correcta es: close

La respuesta correcta es: dance

La respuesta correcta es: help

La respuesta correcta es: learn

La respuesta correcta es: listen

La respuesta correcta es: live

La respuesta correcta es: like

La respuesta correcta es: need

La respuesta correcta es: open

La respuesta correcta es: play

La respuesta correcta es: rain

Practice Exercise: A special present

A special present for mom

buy / look / say / smile / give / go / look / cost / see / put / take / want / say / love / go / give /

Taken from “A special Christmas present”

Practice Exercise: Simple past. Regular verbs

Fill in the blanks with the past form of the verb in brackets.

Completa los espacios en blanco con el pasado del verbo entre paréntesis.

1.- They  ______(arrive) at my house yesterday night
La respuesta correcta es: arrived

2.- Susan  ________(call) four times this weekend.
La respuesta correcta es: called

3.- They really  _______(like) the party.
La respuesta correcta es: liked

4.- My mom  ______(start) her own business last month.
La respuesta correcta es: started

5.- John a _______(stop) buying bottled water five years ago.

La respuesta correcta es: stopped

6.- My classmates________ (study) together last night.

La respuesta correcta es: studied

7.- Her grandmother _______(talk) to me about the war.
La respuesta correcta es: talked

8.- I  ________(use) my free ticket to the movies last summer.
La respuesta correcta es: used

9.- They _________ (walk) from my house to the park this morning.
La respuesta correcta es: walked

10.- Dad  ________(watch) T.V. all night.
La respuesta correcta es: watched

Practice Exercise: Irregular verbs / Verbos irregulares

Fill in the blank with the right verb in Simple Present Tense.

(Completa el espacio con el verbo correcto en el tiempo presente simple)

The butter___on the table. (to be)
La respuesta correcta es: is

Ronny ___ an apple. (to bite)
La respuesta correcta es: bites

He ________her heart. (to break)
La respuesta correcta es: breaks

They _______an apartment in London. (to buy)
La respuesta correcta es: buy

She ____ shirt and pants. (to wear)
La respuesta correcta es: wears

Tina and Tanya _______ in French. (to speak)
La respuesta correcta es: speak
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