sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: What did Dina do yesterday?

What did Dina do yesterday?
Listen till 43 sec.
(Escucha hasta el :43 seg)
Choose one activity Dina did yesterday
Elige una actividad que Dina hizo ayer

Selecciona una opción:
a. Swam at the gym.
b. Studied for her exams.
c. Worked out at the gym.
d. Ate an apple.
e. Watched television. Correcta
f. Washed her gym sweat suit.
g. She's crossing...
h. Was in school most of the day.
i. Brought her friend Danny to the gym.
j. Went to the gym.
k. Worked on her computer.

La respuesta correcta es: Watched television.

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