sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: My daily routine

Practice Exercise: My daily routine

My daily routine
Look at the video, then match the activity with the hour.

Observa el video, después une la actividad con la hora.

La respuesta correcta es:
  1. Has lunch. – It’s one o’ clock.
  2. Has supper. – It´s seven o´clock.
  3. Wakes up. – It’s seven two.
  4. Has breakfast. – It’s eight five.
  5. Goes to bed. – It’s nine a half.
  6. Gets dressed. – It’s eight o’ clock.
  7. Gets up. – It’s ten past seven.
  8. Washes. – It’s twenty five past seven.
  9. Arrives at school. – It’s five to nine
  10. Plays with his friends. – It’s six o’ clock.

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