sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: Complete the recipe!

Practice Exercise: Complete the recipe!

Fill in the blanks by placing the complete sentence. Use the words in the square brackets to complete the sentence.

Llena los espacios en blanco colocando la oración completa. Utiliza las palabras de los corchetes para completar la oración. No olvides poner signos de puntuación. (Comas y punto final).

1.- First, ____ ____ the bread and __ it on the ___. [ put / you / dish / get ]
La respuesta correcta es: First, you get the bread and put it on the dish.

2.-____ put the ____ ___ ___ bread. [ the / ham / Then / on ]
La respuesta correcta es: Then put the ham on the bread.

3.-After ___, ___ one ___ __ cheese on the ham. [ of / that / piece / put ]
La respuesta correcta es: After that, put one piece of cheese on the ham.

4.-____, put _______ piece __ bread ____ the ingredients. [ another / Later / over / of ]
La respuesta correcta es: Later, put another piece of bread over the ingredients.

5.-Finally, _____ __ sandwich and _____ __. [ it / the / eat / toast ]

La respuesta correcta es: Finally, toast the sandwich and eat it.

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