sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: What’s Mr. Bean doing?

Practice Exercise: What’s Mr. Bean doing?

What's Mr. Bean doing?

Watch the video, then put in order the scenes that are described below. Write firstthenafter thatlater or finally at the beginning of the sentence.

Observa el video, luego pon en orden las escenas que se describen abajo. Escribe first, then, after that, later o finally al principio de la frase.

Finally     The man gives half his sandwich to Mr. Bean.
La respuesta correcta es: finally

First       Mr. Bean looks at the man eating a 
La respuesta correcta es: first

Later      He places two sardines on bread.
La respuesta correcta es: later

After      that Mr. Bean takes of the bag a lettuce 
La respuesta correcta es: after that

Then       He cuts two pieces of bread, with the 

 La respuesta correcta es: then

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