martes, 24 de octubre de 2017

Practice Exercise: Now he/she is

Practice Exercise: Now he/she is

Add the correct form of the verb in Present Progressive/Continuous
(Agrega la forma correcta del verbo en el Presente Progresivo / Continuo)

(jog) He is a painter, now he is jogging.
1.       (meditate) He is an engineer, now 
He is meditating

2.      (relax) He is an actor, now He is relaxing

3.      (work) They are executives, now 
they are working

4.      (drive) She is a student, now She is driving

5.      (stop) The bus is stopping for us now.

6.       (ring) Listen! I think the telephone
is ringing

7.      ( wear ) I see that you   are wearing your new dress today.

8.       ( sleep) Please be quiet, the baby 
is sleeping

9.      (travel) At present Ann is traveling to South America.

10.      (sell) They are selling  their car right now.

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